Recommendations, Research and Resources
Browse our Resources below for help in dealing with your situation. Together we can elevate caregiver standards, avoid treacherous caretakers and pursue enriched lives for our loved ones. Click on the Resources Logo or Name below to find out more.
Caregiving.com offers a new realm of caregiver support, combining nurturing with insight. We create a personalized journey, addressing various aspects of caregiving, including training, skills, finances, emotions, connections, spirituality, culture, and more.
Secure Our Seniors’ Safety (SOSS) was founded when the unthinkable happened.
Our first goal is legislation passed to improve senior security at residential establishments.
Our second goal is to educate consumers to know what to look for when choosing a residence; increase awareness of crimes against seniors and how to be safe.
Join us as we work to take care of those who took care of us!
Providing helpful, actionable and insightful articles, ebooks, checklists, legal forms, and guides produced and written by professional writers and elder care experts.
Zen Caregiving Project
Zen Caregiving Project introduces mindfulness-based approaches and tools to help caregivers provide better support to those in their care.
Warning Signs: Loved ones, managers of residential care facilities, medical professionals, and financial institution workers must be on the lookout for possible signs of elder abuse. In many cases, the abuser is someone that the victim is completely dependent on, so he or she may be afraid of reporting abuse. Often, more than one type of abuse may be occurring at the same time.
“We want to overturn the status quo.” Family caregivers are healthcare’s foundation, supporting aging populations and diverse conditions. We’re driven to transform their experience. Through community support, fresh content, incentives, health system partnerships, and top-notch design, we aim to revolutionize the caregiver experience worldwide, elevating healthcare overall.
A Place for Mom
Get the support you need every step of the way. A Place for Mom simplifies the process of finding senior living and home care with personalized guidance.
One of the largest resources on the Internet for finding clinics and related businesses, worldwide.
Family Caregiver Alliance
The mission of Family Caregiver Alliance is to improve the quality of the life for family caregivers and the people who receive their care.
End of Life University
When things fall apart in your life an extraordinary opportunity arises for spiritual growth and transformation.
From proactively planning your end-of-life wishes to navigating what to do after experiencing a loss, Lantern has got your back — for you, your family, and the people you love.
National Institute on Aging
The National Institute on Aging leads a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life. NIA is the primary Federal agency supporting and conducting Alzheimer’s disease research.
Health Affairs
Health Affairs is the leading journal of health policy thought and research.
The Alzheimer’s Association leads the way to end Alzheimer’s and all other dementia — by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support.
The Hospice Doctor’s Widow
Jennifer A. O’Brien’s journey from Heartache to Helpful. The book is filled with the practical insights and guidance of an insider.
DAA | Dementia Action Alliance
We are a non-profit organization that provides hope and help to individuals and families living with dementia and information about how to live proactively with dementia. We offer services and peer supports including three weekly online discussion groups, two monthly podcasts, an online Resources Center, a national Speakers Bureau and other services.
Paying for Senior Care
Find financial assistance for assisted living, home care and home modifications for aging in place; understand all your financial options for aging care.
Five Wishes
A comprehensive advance care planning program can help your organization ensure high-value, high-quality, meaningful care. The Five Wishes Program for Healthcare addresses the most important factors in successful value-based care delivery.
Stand Up For Care Givers
As a caregiver, whether it is to a parent, spouse, child, or friend, your main responsibility is to care for someone else, but don’t let your own needs fall by the wayside in the process. In order to adequately and safely care for another, you’ve got to be your best self. Here are a few ways to ensure you get the care you need
NFCS | National Family Caregiver Summit
Whether you’ve recently begun caring for a family member or have been for a while, we want to support you. We see how much hard work it takes and regardless of where you are in your caregiving journey, we think you deserve support.
That’s why we’re launching the first-ever National Family Caregiving Summit, a 100% free, 100% online event that centers around the caregiving experience. The 2-day, conference will connect you with local resources, guest speakers, and most importantly, a support network that understands you.
CareGivers ScareTakers
‘CareGivers ScareTakers’ refers to someone caring for a client who manipulates the client’s mind and money, and attempts to influence family, friends and other caregivers. Be aware and be prepared! Raising the bar on caregivers will raise the bar on the quality of care.
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